Constipation - a natural remedy to get things moving

Constipation - a natural remedy to get things moving

Feeling sluggish, not being able to go to the toilet and bloating up like a balloon are very common constipation symptoms.

Our bowels can seize up for any number of reasons, including certain medications, lack of water intake, a low fibre diet, eating too much protein or problems with our thyroid gland (underactive thyroid).

Often as we age though, one of the chief contributors to sluggish bowels and constipation issues is a decrease in our stomach acid and enzyme production.

If your bowel movements have slowed down, here is a natural remedy to try to get things moving.

You’ll need to pop down to the supermarket, and grab the following;

  • a small bag of lemons

When you first get up in the morning, head to the kitchen and pour yourself a small glass of warm water, (not boiling hot, and not icy cold!).

Next, get a lemon out of your fridge, cut it into a wedge, and squeeze the juice into your water glass.

Drink away!

It’ll taste a bit sour/bitter.

That’s what you want, because that natural bitter, sour taste sensation gets your digestive juices flowing.

Including other bitter foods in your daily diet, such as more leafy greens, 85% dark chocolate, herbs like parsley, and spices like cinnamon, will have a similar effect.

They will increase your digestive juices, and hopefully get things moving for you. This shouldn’t take too long, only a few days, if it is going to work and start to relieve your constipation symptoms naturally.

After a few weeks, you should be able to stop drinking the lemon water and continue with the increased bitter foods in your diet.

NB.  Please bear in mind, that this is general advice only and that if your symptoms persist, you should consult a health professional.

If you are struggling with digestive issues, and seeking further advice about natural, holistic approach to your condition, book an appointment with one of our specialist practitioners today.

You may also be interested to check out our other articles on Digestive Health including Irritable Bowl Syndrome and Allergies and Food Intolerances.