Diet Myths

Diet Errors - 5 common traps sabotaging your weight loss

weight loss diet

1. Weight Loss is More than Just Energy In/Energy Out

If you think that just by cutting your calories, and upping your exercise, that you will automatically lose weight, think again!

The hidden secret that you need to understand is that your weight is also affected by the way your body stores energy.

You need to understand what your energy storage contributing factors are to best attack your body fat stores and look your amazing best.

We have compiled a list of these for you on the attached diagram.

Address these factors first, then focus on balancing your energy in/energy out.

weight loss diet

2. Intermittent Fasting Does Not Work for Everyone

Intermittent Fasting is popular at the moment, and it can work well for many people.

But not necessarily for you.  Why?

Because intermittent fasting works well only for those people who have a great metabolism.

If you have problems with fatigue, struggle to go to the toilet for number twos, you don’t have adequate muscle mass or if your thyroid is underactive, (you can find this out via a blood test), then your metabolism is likely too low.

If that describes you, be very careful about intermittent fasting.

We have found that our clients can actually put on weight when they do intermittent fasting with a sluggish metabolism.

What works best for them is having a small size protein rich snack in between main meals, as well as 3 good quality main meals per day.

weight loss diet

3. Exercise Increases Weight Gain When You Are Inflamed

Some people actually put on weight when they exercise.

They can get very angry and frustrated, and feel depressed when this happens.

If that describes you, don’t panic!

Your body may be chronically inflamed, (you can check this with a blood test), and when you exercise your body is holding more fluid.

Your weight gain is from the fluid, not from more body fat.

Exercise inflames everyone.

It causes little tears in your muscles which your body needs to repair.

Your body uses water to do this.

If you already have a high degree of inflammation, adding more inflammation to it with exercise could cause your weight to increase due to this added fluid retention.

Focus more on reducing the inflammation with anti-inflammatory foods such as fish, raw nuts and avocado.

Also talk to your personal trainer about tailoring your exercise program to address your chronic inflammation.

weight loss diet

4. Keto Dieters Fail to Measure Their Ketones

The ketogenic, or “keto”, diet can work well, with greatest benefits for those with epilepsy, PCOS and diabetes.

Reducing your refined carbohydrate intake will certainly help you to be healthy.

But most keto dieters make a critical mistake.

They fail to track their ketone production.

If you don’t track your ketones, you could be placing your body into ketoacidosis.

This can have nasty consequences for your health, melt away your muscle and stop you burning fat in the long run.

Go to your pharmacy, buy a packet of ketostix, and get some professional advice on how to use them properly, to make sure you are in ketosis and not ketoacidosis.

weight loss diet

5. Too Much Stress

When your body is overly stressed, it goes into “Fight/Flight” mode.

If this persists for a long period of time, one of two things will normally happen; you’ll lose weight super fast, or you will gain weight around your middle.

If you fall into the weight gain category, it is due to your body producing too much of your stress hormone, cortisol.

Too much cortisol promotes fat gain, and also tells your body to hang on to any excess fat.

To stop this, you need to decrease your stress levels.

You can do this using food, with nutrients such as Omega 3’s and magnesium.

Omega 3 fats are high in fish, raw nuts, and avocado.

Magnesium rich foods include watermelon, leafy greens and dark chocolate.

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Our 5 Week Weight Loss Program may be for you.